Moth Control
Clothing Damage
The webbing clothes moth consumes wool, fur, silk, and hair, and can decimate entire wardrobes, as well as the bedding and furniture of affected homes.
Pantry Moths
Signs of pantry moths include disturbed packaging, along with an unpleasant odor and sticky secretions that cause food to clump together.
Moth Infestation
When moths invade your pantry or closets, they won’t think twice about decimating your clothing and stored food.
Moth problems? We can help.
Call 96960 50345 or
FAQ about Moths
Moths won’t harm humans, but their feces and cocoons can contaminate food and cause allergies and gastrointestinal problems in some people.
Moths can see in the dark; however, lights at night interfere with their ability to navigate since light sources at night naturally attract moths.
Moths do not bite.
Moths are only potentially poisonous if you consume them.
Adult fabric moths don’t actually eat clothing, but their larvae feed on the natural clothing fibers that contain keratin, which is required for the immature moth stages to develop into adult moths.