Wood Borer Control
The first thing that the Green Cross experts will do is identify the wood borers in the infested wood.
Once the wood borers are identified, the next step is using safe wood preservative chemicals through special syringes into holes.
In the last step of the wood borer pest control service a chemical petroleum base is sprayed on the infected area for complete protection against these pests
Wood Borer problems? We can help.
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FAQ about Wood Borers
Wood borers are small beetles that are fond of wood and moisture. The adult wood borer beetles prefer laying eggs in wooden cracks, and for this, they infest your furniture, wooden works, and beams. To lay eggs, they burrow tunnels and holes in your wooden objects.
Both wood borers and termites are types of pests. Wood borers are beetles, whereas termites are ant-like insects. Both are fond of feeding wood and tend to build colonies in wood.
The best treatment to control wood borers is by applying a wood preservative chemical or an insecticide. Another tip to prevent wood borer infestation at home is by controlling the moisture on wooden surfaces by mechanical removal, freezing, or surface covers.
Look for the following early signs of a wood borer infestation at home:
1. Signs of damage on furniture
2. Holes and cracks on wooden works
3. Wooden flooring appears weak
4. Wooden dust on the floor